The search to create.

Iā€™m from Maine. My surroundings play a vital role in the art I create. I have an endless supply of motivation. My work is inspired by nature and the landscape I view. I watch as the heavy blanket of fog lifts, revealing a brilliant display of blues, islands once obscured now revealed. I observe the changes in light as the sun dips behind the treeline and falls over the edge of the horizon, splashing a variety of colors from vivid greens, rich blues and deep violets blanketing across the sky.

My family keeps me grounded. Two boys a year and half apart. Two dogs that are more rambunctious than the boys. My wife; sheā€™s the driving force- the foundation for which we make things happen. Weā€™re a team.

I have Ideas and I Make Things


Iā€™m not very active on social media but feel free to give a follow!